Industry: Legal Services
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UK Government Crown Crest Black

Search and Locate

Search & Locate

The Customer

UK Government Agency

A team within UK Public Sector focused on the identification, prevention and prosecution of financial fraud.

The Challenge

Investigations typically begin with large quantities of seized or subpoenaed documentation, the process of analysing this corpus of data to find the data items and connections of interest is time consuming, laborious and is prone to error.

Often investigators will be searching for the needle in the haystack, a single document or data item within millions of artefacts. Current methods take significant manpower and time putting investigations at risk.

The Solution

Oscar Search & Locate allows investigators to upload large volumes of documentation via API or the click and drag interface.  Oscar automatically converts the documents into digital text and identifies any documents that contain data items that match a pre-defined list of formats including UK Post Codes, telephone numbers, National Insurance numbers, NHS numbers and many more.

Additional search functionality allows the customers to search for key phrases or words Oscar highlights the appropriate documents along with a confidence score that the document contains the required result.

The Outcome

Oscar Search & Locate allows the team of expert investigators to vastly reduce the time taken to identify documents of interest to begin their investigations.

The Search & Locate module is being developed further to include additional capabilities that will further increase efficiencies including Document Classification, Document Linking, PII Identification and Data Redaction.

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bsi - ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management Certified
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